Ph: 416-628-5682
World-class customized industrial training programs recognized for superior practicality and organizational impact.
Knowledge and skills needed by organizations to achieve their goals, i.e. training programs to improve efficiency of business and production operations.
ISO process overviews tailored for various employee groups to assist in implementation, process leadership development, internal auditing, documentation design and development.
Workshops based on innovative, sound curriculum design and proven learning principles. Structured training programs to accommodate employees’ abilities and experience and to achieve the desired results. Our seminars incorporate client specific examples to assist employees in taking over the ownership and responsibility.
Training Programs Available:
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We prefer to spend sufficient time discussing needs of the audience in order to provide more relevant information. We become facilitators more than lecturers as the group applies concepts and learns collectively from the outcomes. The result is greater skills transfer.
Our courses include learning materials and certificates of completion. Certificates of completion are generally sufficient as validation for professional society re-certification units.